Thank you to all who made the 2018 River Herring Network annual meeting a success!
Sixty nine people attended representing 15 towns, 8 watershed & environmental organizations, 6 state agencies, 3 federal agencies, 1 County agency, 2 Sea Grant programs, & 3 academic institutions. We also had an AmeriCorps Cape Cod volunteer join us. Thank you to the Coonamessett River Trust for hosting us, to the Waquoit Congregational Church for not charging us for the space, to all the speakers who took time to create slides and drive to Falmouth, and to all the volunteers who helped set up the room and take it down.
Six speakers gave presentations on a range of topics such as the herring runs of Falmouth, updates from the Division of Marine Fisheries diadromous fisheries program, the recent removal of a dam at the Coonamessett River in Falmouth and efforts to evaluate fish passage through the area, the effects of temperature on juvenile river herring, environmental law enforcement updates, and lessons learned from invasive water chestnut removal efforts in the Sudbury, Concord, and Assabet rivers watershed. At lunch time attendees broke out into two groups and discussed ways to recruit new herring wardens and improve outreach efforts.
After the meeting, 20+ people joined the Coonamessett River Restoration team to tour the river and the recent dam removal site and the new bridge.
The powerpoint presentations, notes from the breakout sessions, and photos from the meeting are all available on the website at: